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An error occurred while loading medication. We are upgrading our system. While we work to give you a better OptumRx experience, you may not be able to use all parts of the website. If you need immediate assistance, call the phone number on the back of your ID card.

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local_shipping Hassle-Free Fill:When you enroll, selected medications will refill automatically when it's time. Enroll in Hassle-Free Fill

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An error occurred while loading medications

Drug image may or may not reflect the look of your current medications.
Cost per refill $11.12 (per 90-day supply)
Refills remaining 4
Cost per refill $12.96 (per 90-day supply)
Refills remaining 3
Order Status In Process
Cost per refill $12.96 (per 90-day supply)
Refills remaining 4
Cost per refill Pricing not available
Medication Illustration No Image of meds available
Refills remaining 4
Cost per refill Pricing not available
Medication Illustration No Image of meds available
Refills remaining 3
Order Status In Process
Cost per refill Pricing not available
Medication Illustration No Image of meds available
Refills remaining 4

An error occurred while loading medications

An error occurred while loading medications

90 day supply - lower pricing

You are eligible to receive a 90 day supply of your maintenance medication at home delivery pricing from a participating CVS Pharmacy®  location or OptumRx home delivery.

An error occurred while loading medications

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Disclaimer: Prices on some of your medication(s) may vary based on your doctor's instructions or on the manufacturer's price provided to us at the time you placed your order online or at your pharmacy.